Letter to the king of Rivendell
Feb 2025
May it please Your Majesty,
It is with great pleasure that I confirm the successful sowing of the Athelas seeds so graciously provided to our homestead last fall. The winter’s frost shall strengthen their sprouts and fortify their roots, ensuring an abundant harvest of both leaf and bloom.
Within four moons, I shall personally deliver half of the harvest to Your Majesty’s court. I will be accompanied by the Rohan Wildcat, who eagerly awaits the honor of an audience with Your Majesty and Your Queen, and longs to behold the splendor of Your Elven realm.
With Your Majesty’s permission, we would humbly request to spend four nights within the walls of Rivendell, and to seek knowledge of additional medicinal herbs and fruits to cultivate upon our land.
May wisdom and light ever grace the people of Rivendell.
With great respect and honor,
The Fangorn Owl
Hearthfire Brew
To restore lost spirits through the cold season. It is said that a single sip grants anyone the strength to walk a thousand paces in the coldest storm. Warms the hearts of those far from home, and lights the paths and souls of all folks.
Red bush tea (Rooibos)
Dried apple or raisin
Simmer milk, cloves and dried apple together for at least 10 minutes on low heat. Add red bush tea and simmer an additional 5 minutes. Add honey, sip hot in front of fire.
Letter to the Rohan Wildcat
Feb 2025
Dear Wildcat,
Winter is here, it snows every day now, the lake is frozen, birds are gone. Outside it reminds me of our time on the eastern mountains years ago, we climbed high for three days straight, legs deep in the snow, waterskins frozen, windchill through our bones. We found that small inn on the pass, there was only us and a bobcat. We had a feast, remember? Today is cold here, the fire is roaring, I will keep our home warm awaiting your return.
Our sheep are safe indoors, I lit a small fire in the stable so the donkey stays warm. A fox stole one of our hens, I heard it four nights ago, sadly I did not arrive in time. Perhpas the foxes cubs needed it to get through the cold, but I will make a stronger fence around us. The cats are all fine, happy, fed, they always sit in a circle around the fire.
I miss you like our flowers miss the spring's sun.
The Farngorn Owl